Sunday, October 25, 2009


Richard is the self-proclaimed juice valet providing drinks on demand, I am the cruise director planning activities to fill up the day, and Ibby is the gopher, fetching toys at Maddie's request. And Maddie? Well, let's just say she's enjoying her celebrity status. Can you say prima donna?

All joking aside, she's doing amazingly well. We had a brief setback on Saturday morning when she threw up her breakfast at the table in Daddy's hands. Good catch, Daddy! She's going longer and longer in between doses of pain medication, and she hasn't complained once. Well, okay. She has gotten a little whiney a couple of times mainly over what she wants to do next especially if it conflicts with what Ibby wants to do, but she has never told us she's in any pain, thank goodness. She doesn't really like having to sit so much, so providing a variety of activities has been key in warding off boredom. Thankfully, I had just ordered three new Signing Time dvds, and both the girls are loving watching those in between putting together puzzles, coloring, playing with a new set of tinker toys, and reading. Mama still has a few secrets hidden away when the current tasks become redundant. Baths are out of the question while she has her cast, and believe it or not, she's actually been enjoying having her hair washed in the kitchen sink and taking a sponge bath provided by Mommy. I honestly thought she'd be mad about not getting a chance to bathe in the tub, but so far anyway, the novelty of washing up in the kitchen has amused her.

Anyhow, overall, we are doing really great, far better than we ever expected. Maddie is a wonder. And Miss Isabel is really being a good little trooper, too. Of course, there is a long couple of weeks stretching ahead of us until that cast comes off, so I'm sure we'll have some not so great times ahead.


3peas1pod said...

Such a great update! Hugs to all 4 of you! I've caught breakfast in my hands a time or ain't pretty!

LynnieB said...

Ah, good Daddy!!! Vomit catcher and juice valet. You married a good man. So glad things are going well...

Melissa said...

That is so great to hear how well she is doing. You have your hands full. At least the cruise director job had good benefits :)

Mary said...

Well, you're obviously Julie McCoy, but I can't decide if Richard is Isaac or Gopher : )