Thursday, September 3, 2009

Already Walking...

...with some assistance, of course. Today, the physical therapist with our local school district dropped off a walker for Maddie. She took to it right away, declaring it, "Fun!" Isabel likes it too, and it's a riot when BOTH of them try to use it simultaneously.

Maddie will not use the walker all the time. In fact, around the house, it's more of a detriment because she can move far faster without it. We plan to have her use it at school (which starts next week) especially when she is moving from the classroom to other areas in the building. We are happy to have her getting used to it now because after surgery, she will need to stay off of her leg for awhile, and by that time, she should be a pro with it.


Lesa said...

That is what I was thinking. The walker will prepare her for when she has surgery.

Sherry said...

She's such a little trooper. All smiles with her new walker. I can't wait to see the day -- or the pictures of the day -- when she gets to stand on her own two feet. Then watch out world.

It's also nice to hear the girls are sharing the walker too.

LynnieB said...

I am crying. Our little girl is up walking. What an answer to prayer!!

Melissa said...

She is obviously a smart little cookie. I'm sure she will be a pro in no time. It is so great that she can start practicing now.

3peas1pod said...

What a resilent little girl (and a cutie pie, too!) You must be so proud of her!

Susan said...

Awesome to see Maddie take to her new "toy" so quickly! I just love seeing your girls, and this photo has made my day!