Monday, November 16, 2009


This picture was taken last Thursday, the day we found out that Maddie had pneumonia brought on by the H1N1 virus. We had just returned from our pediatrician's office where nurses had administered an antibiotic shot, Tylenol suppositories to bring down the 103 temperature, and a first dose of Tamiflu. We decided to skip giving her a bath, so she sat in a chair in Isabel's room where she could watch Ibby in the tub. It didn't take long before she fell fast asleep. The poor little thing hadn't slept for two nights because of the nasty cough. Thank goodness for medicine. By Friday, Maddie was feeling so much better, and today, I'd say she's almost completely back to normal though the cough still lingers. We are homebound until Thursday. Thankfully, none of the rest of us have come down with anything.

I can't imagine what it's like to have a chronically ill child. From the time Maddie's condition took a very rapid turn for the worse on Thursday afternoon until later that evening when we could see that the medicines were indeed having a speedy and definite impact on our girl and we knew that we would not have to make a hospital run, I was sick to my stomach. On the way home from the pharmacy, in the car by myself while Richard was home getting the girls ready for bed, I lost it. The thought of an illness taking one of my girls from me, well, let's just say I don't know how people who lose a child ever recover.

Thank God we didn't have to face that...and may God bless and comfort and strengthen any parent who does.


LynnieB said...

Precious punkin. So thankful she is feeling better. And, you are right. I cannot imagine. Had the same cry Saturday night.

3peas1pod said...

Hope Maddie is back to her old self again soon. It is a very sickening feeling. When Livia had H1N1 this fall, her fever kept bouncing back up to 104 for a day. I hardly slept and she lived in the tub to keep cooling ehr off between doses of meds. On the bright side, she was VERY clean! Very similar thoughts raced through my mind.

Melissa said...

I am soooo glad to hear that she is doing better. I hate it when little ones are sick and they just don't know what is going on or how to express their pain (other than crying). Thank goodness the rest of you have stayed well. Also, thanks for the kind words and reassurance on my blog. That means a lot to know that I am not alone. Some days it really feels like it. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world though and I know you know exactly how I feel.

Sherry said...

I'm so behind on reading blogs. So, so sorry about the flu bug hitting you guys.