Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Itsy Bitsy Spider

In recent weeks, it seems as if a switch has gone on in Isabel's head, and she is beginning to make sense of some of the rhymes and songs that we repeat over and over. In the picture below, you will see her gesturing along to "Itsy Bitsy Spider." She can do the motions for the spider, the rain, and the sun, but she does them at warp speed, so Mommy has to sing the ditty quite fast to keep up. There is a song that we learned at our Community Ed class which Isabel really likes. She is now trying to sing some of the words to it. The song goes, "If your name is Isabel, you can pop right up. If your name is Mommy, you can pop right up. If your name is Daddy, you can pop right up. Now everybody pop right up. Wooh!" She has been doing the "wooh" part for quite awhile, but now she likes to sing, "Bop bop bop bop bop. Wooh!" One of her favorite books is a Sandra Boynton book entitled What's Wrong Little Pookie? The basic gist is that Pookie, the baby pig, is upset, and when Mommy asks why, he won't say, so Mommy asks a bunch of questions to find out the source of Pookie's consternation. Pookie answers "no" to all of Mommy's questions, which get sillier and sillier, and in the end, Pookie can't remember why he was upset in the first place. So we say to Isabel, "What's wrong little Pookie? Are you tired?" She shakes her head no. "Are you hungry?" She shakes her head no. Are you cold? She shakes her head no again. It's really quite adorable. We sing the ABC song several times each day. She just loves the ABC song. How long do you think it will be before she can recite all 26 letters?


LynnieB said...

She is so smart and beautiful too. What a combination.

Pam said...

Thanks. We think so. I absolutely cannot wait for her and Will to get together in November when I'm in SA for the convention. It's going to be fun to see what the two of them can cook up!