Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Wish I Would Have Invented Pillow Pets

Today, Maddie, Ibby, and I did every physical thing we could think of, literally hopped, skipped, and jumped as much as we could, knowing that Maddie will not be able to partake in these activities for the next six to eight weeks. The bonus is Mom burned some precious calories (damn nervous eating) and the girls should be exhausted tonight prompting a good night's sleep for all.

Tonight we are having a special dinner...Maddie's choice...tortellini alfredo with chicken, salads, and garlic toast. And we will present Maddie with the extra large ladybug pillow pet to sleep with tonight and take to the hospital tomorrow. If you don't have kids, you may not know what these are. We have six of them. Yes, six. My girls are infatuated with them, and as the title of this post states, I really wish I would have created this toy because I would be a gazillionaire, I'm sure.

I'm nervous. Really, really nervous. I'm quite confident that all will go well. It's just that if I could spare Maddie of this experience, I would. In a heartbeat. But it's these things that make us strong, right? And build character? And Maddie has more character than almost anyone I know. So. I think I may have to drink a beer tonight to make me tired. I'm not sure sleep will come easily. But tomorrow at this time, we will already be on the road to recovery. More then...


LynnieB said...

Hang in there, Mama! Your little girl is as strong as they come. She'll do great. (we just got our first pillow pet!)

Sherry said...

Well I'm late reading this so you made it though the night I see. :)

We don't have any pet pillows here -- yet. I always figured they were over-sized-over-rated-stuffed-animals and we didn't need them.

Maybe Santa will have to look into them.

Pam said...

Sherry, you have them pegged exactly right, but there is something about them that my girls absolutely adore, and I must admit, they are really soft. Maddie's ladybug hasn't left her side since we gave it to her on Wednesday night. Maui (the ladybug) even accompanied Maddie to the operating room. And let me clarify...I didn't buy all six. Four were gifts. Isabel absolutely begged for the unicorn for her birthday, and we couldn't have an odd number, so the ladybug joined the family.

Melissa said...

Darby LOVES her ladybug pillow pet and I totally agree that the person that invented them is very wealthy. We keep it in the car. That's where it lives so that she always has it for long rides.