Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Hair Saga Continues...

I didn't want to do it, but I had to make an appointment for Isabel to get her hair cut today. She refuses to leave barrettes in, and she has discovered that she can get the rubber band out of the Pebbles 'do and does so at the soonest opportunity. Without any kind of hair accessory, her bangs hang over her eyes so far that she has to tip her head up to see clearly. Now that she is starting to walk...oh, yes, she's starting to walk...we want to be sure she has an unobstructed view of all pathways. I really, really wanted to grow her hair out to one length, but I guess I will have to wait until she is a little older and can understand why Mommy insists on keeping a clippie in her beautiful locks. We are off to the salon this afternoon. I'll have my camera in hand and will post photos later. I'm a little sad. Isn't that silly?


LynnieB said...

Not silly at all. It is a big step out of babydom and that is hard... we don't want them to grow up so fast...