Here is Isabel, mid-step, as she makes her way across the family room. She can walk unassisted from one side of the room to the other now, and as you can see from the photo above, it is a skill she is awfully proud of. She prefers walking to crawling most of the time, and she can often be found playing a little game we like to call pinball. She walks from the couch, boing, to the loveseat, boing, back to the couch, repeat. She is much more confident when there is a piece of furniture in easy reach or she is hanging on to one of Mom or Dad's hands. We figure it won't be long before she's sprinting through the house. Then, Lord, help us.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I Can Walk!
Posted by Pam at 4:47 PM 4 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A Musical Girl
What is it about music and babies? The love of melodies just seems to be hard wired into their little brains. A song will come on, and they naturally start "dancing," swaying and bouncing to the tune that catches their ear.
We had our last session of baby storytime at the library today. In the past six weeks, Isabel has become quite familiar with the songs we sing each week. She is even starting to do the hand motions that go along with them. Her favorites are "Shake, Shake, Shake Your Sillies Out," and "Itsy Bitsy Spider." "The People on the Bus" runs a close second. It is so cute to see how excited she gets when we get to a familiar song. And I am amazed that she has learned many of the motions in such a short period of time.
She also loves music on the radio. Yesterday we were riding in the car when one of my all time favorite songs came on, "What I Like About You," by the Clash. I turned the radio up and starting singing along, rather loudly and enthusiastically. At a stop light, I glanced back and saw Isabel jiving to the music in her car seat, smiling away. Who knew she'd be so fond of The Clash? It made me laugh out loud.
We don't have the television on during the day while Ibby is up and around, but I do like to watch the local and national evening news right before dinner. There are certain commercials that really make her perk up her ears, and it's all because of the songs playing in the background. Her favorite right now is a Valley Fair commercial. "Come away, come away, come away with me..." And oddly enough, she pays particular attention to the Al Franken for Senate ads. That's not music related, but it is funny. You'd think she'd cue in to the Norm Coleman ads since she met him in Guatmala when she was just a wee baby, but no, she seems to be leaning democratic on this one.
I've been a bit remiss with the camera these days, so I have no photos to share, but I did want to let you in on Isabel's musical tendencies. We'll be sure to get some cute photos this weekend and post something visual soon.
Posted by Pam at 9:38 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Hair Saga Continues...
I didn't want to do it, but I had to make an appointment for Isabel to get her hair cut today. She refuses to leave barrettes in, and she has discovered that she can get the rubber band out of the Pebbles 'do and does so at the soonest opportunity. Without any kind of hair accessory, her bangs hang over her eyes so far that she has to tip her head up to see clearly. Now that she is starting to walk...oh, yes, she's starting to walk...we want to be sure she has an unobstructed view of all pathways. I really, really wanted to grow her hair out to one length, but I guess I will have to wait until she is a little older and can understand why Mommy insists on keeping a clippie in her beautiful locks. We are off to the salon this afternoon. I'll have my camera in hand and will post photos later. I'm a little sad. Isn't that silly?
Posted by Pam at 7:13 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Good Morning!
Guess who can stand up in her crib? Yup. Isabel. Until recently, she would do it once in awhile. Now it's a daily occurrence. She is insanely happy to see us when we come in to get her in the morning. I've never seen anyone so anxious to greet her day and without the benefit of caffeine! It's quite something.
Posted by Pam at 12:59 PM 1 comments